Went to a metor party tonight. Layed under the stars snuggled next to Chizu with our friends. Laughing, talking and having fun. It was great.

I have been struggling with things to write about. Life has been pretty status quo.

Final is good, I have not gotten to talk to him that much over the last few days. Ive been so busy. With school and work starting soon it will mess with the time of day I normallly talk to him. But it will figureĀ  its self out.

Didnt hear from Flame today. She is busy I know. I hope today she felt a wee bit better.

Bear is working hard on lots of things. I am so proud of his determination.

Bugg is doing great at work, he has been playing boarder lands on the PS3 lately. Jedi left it for him to borrow.

Chizu got a bike today. She is excited. I cant wait to get my own to ride with her.

Over all I am doing well. My emotional malaise has lifted and it was good to laugh today. I am feeling the lack of physical touch lately. It is something i have a high requirement of and though Chizu and Bugg give out plenty, its not enough varied.
